maandag 25 oktober 2010

assignment 13

Assignment 13
the first video is about Baroness Greenfield, Director of The Royal Institution,She says that using social networks intensively could lead to brainwashing.
:ater in the show Dr Ben Goldacre, Author of 'Bad Science', and Dr Aric Sigman, Research Psychologist, are having a discusion about social networks brainwashing children and adults.
In the second video Abi Signorelli, Director of International Communications of Virginia Media, explains new social nework features like boo's and phlogging. She is giving us a preview of the Melcrum's Social Media Workshop at 24th June 2009 in London.

In the third and last video Colin Hensley, General Manager Corporate Affairs and Planning of Toyota Europe, explaines how his company communicate with twitter and other social networks.

maandag 11 oktober 2010

Post 4


This week we had to make a exercise for the lesson Corporate Communication like every week. But this week we have to make the final exercise it was a little bit more work that the other weeks.
We had to do it in a group of five students. I was in a group with: Florien, Kiki,Rosan and Jolijn.
A very nice group.

It was not a very difficult exercise, but it was a lot of work because we have to make a communication plan. So we have to make al 5 of us a little bit and that we put that together.
I think it was a nice last exercise of this course.

I hope Mrs Buma, our teacher for Corporate Communication like our assignment and we get a nice result.

This was my last blogpost for this course,

Bye, Viora

assignment 15

Why does Subway care about childhood obesity?

Subway thinks that they people can change, like more sports and thinking of food.
They want to hold a position within their customers.

What communication techniques does Subway use to work on the
TV commercials and shows on the television.

Describe the various parts of Subway’s campaign.

In the TV spots they let people see how three kids change their live by eating better.
It let the people see how the kids can wear jeans and can play football. The spots were simply and let them see how the kids felt better.
In the TV show they let people see all the news about childhood obesity.

What could have happened to the company if Subway had not
embarked on this campaign?

What can happened to Subway was that the get complaints from customers or other companies.
Than they have a big problem and maybe the Subway will be ruptured.