woensdag 23 maart 2011

blog 2

I live in a student’s room in Utrecht. I really like it in my studenthouse. In juni 2010 I moved to Utrecht. So when I started this course Corporate Communication I was already in this city. It was hard to find a nice room. But now I live together with Kiki Janssen in a studenthouse.
We have a beautiful house. I think its luxury to live as a student like this.
We have a big livingroom, a roofgarden, and a normal garden. In 5 minutes on the bike you are in the citycentre. The neighborhood we live in is very nice, its very quiet and friendly.
When you live in a student’s room you have a lot of freedom and that is the thing I like the most of living on my own. The disadvantages of living on my own is cleaning the house and cooking diner. My parents live in Den Dolder it is a small village near Utrecht, in Den Dolder there is nothing to do so that is the biggest reason for moving to Utrecht. It’s 15 minutes by train, so I can really easy travel to my parents if I want to.

dinsdag 15 maart 2011

blog 3

Where do I see myself in five years?

I realise that you cannot control the future, even if you would want to.

You know the song Que sera sera:

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be

if i hear this song I realise that you cannot control the future, even if you would want to.
So this is just a guess:

About 5 years I will be gratuated with my course corporate communication.I am 25 at that time, and than i will go to work.
I hope I can work at a nice company in Amsterdam. I would like to live in a nice apartment in Amsterdam with my boyfriend Joost. First i want to have a carreer in the corporate communication, after that i will think about children. When I am 30 I want to get married. I would still be active riding my horse, and I take him to Amsterdam. Because he is a part of my life, and he can't stay in Utrecht without me.