donderdag 13 januari 2011


Assignment 6 Starbucks

1. Roastingplant: a factory where they roast the coffee beans
2. HQ: headquarters
3. Accessible: only for those who have an aprovement
4. Spacious affair: a big place
5. expanding: to increase the size or in numbers
6: Nasdaq: is a stock market
7: beverage: a drink
8. concessionaires: The holder or operator of a concession
9. subsidiary : if you get money from someone
10. licence agreement: an agreement about a licence
11 prime: biggest, got the most visitors
12. retails stores: a place of business for retailing goods
13. forego: To precede, as in time or place


1. “Technically, Starbucks has been in Holland for some time already.”
Why only ‘technically’? In other words, why are the first three Starbucks
stores in the Netherlands not seen as ‘real’ Starbucks stores?

They are not accesible for everbody.

2. In what kind of locations have Starbucks stores been established since
Public places, like a trainstation and a airport

3. What two adjectives are used in the Starbucks Press Release of August
14, 2008, to stress the uniqueness of the Starbucks Amsterdam store?

4. Imagine you are the Head of Corporate Communications of Starbucks.
Think of a way in which you could use the Starbucks fan Hyves to your

You can advertise for free on this hyves page , and communicate with your fans easily and directly.

5. In the USA, many Starbucks stores have been closed. Three reasons are
mentioned for this. Which of these three reasons is illustrated by the
cartoon above?
Too many starbucks stores.

6. Starbucks executive Howard Schulz is going to ‘put a laser-like focus on
reinvigorating the Starbucks experience’. Please explain in your own words
what is meant by this.
He is going to make starbucks special again.

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