maandag 25 oktober 2010

assignment 13

Assignment 13
the first video is about Baroness Greenfield, Director of The Royal Institution,She says that using social networks intensively could lead to brainwashing.
:ater in the show Dr Ben Goldacre, Author of 'Bad Science', and Dr Aric Sigman, Research Psychologist, are having a discusion about social networks brainwashing children and adults.
In the second video Abi Signorelli, Director of International Communications of Virginia Media, explains new social nework features like boo's and phlogging. She is giving us a preview of the Melcrum's Social Media Workshop at 24th June 2009 in London.

In the third and last video Colin Hensley, General Manager Corporate Affairs and Planning of Toyota Europe, explaines how his company communicate with twitter and other social networks.

maandag 11 oktober 2010

Post 4


This week we had to make a exercise for the lesson Corporate Communication like every week. But this week we have to make the final exercise it was a little bit more work that the other weeks.
We had to do it in a group of five students. I was in a group with: Florien, Kiki,Rosan and Jolijn.
A very nice group.

It was not a very difficult exercise, but it was a lot of work because we have to make a communication plan. So we have to make al 5 of us a little bit and that we put that together.
I think it was a nice last exercise of this course.

I hope Mrs Buma, our teacher for Corporate Communication like our assignment and we get a nice result.

This was my last blogpost for this course,

Bye, Viora

assignment 15

Why does Subway care about childhood obesity?

Subway thinks that they people can change, like more sports and thinking of food.
They want to hold a position within their customers.

What communication techniques does Subway use to work on the
TV commercials and shows on the television.

Describe the various parts of Subway’s campaign.

In the TV spots they let people see how three kids change their live by eating better.
It let the people see how the kids can wear jeans and can play football. The spots were simply and let them see how the kids felt better.
In the TV show they let people see all the news about childhood obesity.

What could have happened to the company if Subway had not
embarked on this campaign?

What can happened to Subway was that the get complaints from customers or other companies.
Than they have a big problem and maybe the Subway will be ruptured.

woensdag 29 september 2010

assigment 11

Liqua Services Galactic Ltd
69 Milk street

3 February, 2010

Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road
Skagnes SK3 4RG

Dear Andrea Philips,

Translation Brochure

Thank you for your e-mail but I cannot send you the brochure and price list because I have not got the new brochures and price lists for 2010 yet.
Can you please tell me what the other 4 languages are? Than I can give you the prices for that.
I have checked your website, and I’m also editing websites. The services I offer are: renewing the website, keeping it up to date, a complete facelift. Are you interested by that? I enclose a price list for my editing services, so if you are interested you know what the prices are.
You can e-mail me and call me: or 06-22281047.

I look forward to hearing form you.

Yours Faithfully

Viora Rebergen

Viora Rebergen Directing Manager

assignment 7

Assignment 7: Letter of enquiry
Dear Mister/Miss,
I am a student, studying at the Faculty of Communication and Journalism of the Professional University of Utrecht in the Netherlands. I found the English as a Foreign Language course for international students that you gave, on the website of the City College Manchester.
I am studying in the first year of Corporate Communication. Before this study I did the study Communiation and Management but I didn’t pass the first year.
My English is not very well, last year I also had English lessons but I didn’t pass the grammar test. I had five years English on the secondary school. I learned a lot but I think it’s not enough for business English in the daily life. I’m a little bit afraid to talk in English because I think I made much mistakes.
Can you please tell me when I can follow this course, I like to do it in summer.
I hope this study can help me to make English easier for me. I do like English very well.
I look forward to hear from you.

Yours Faithfully,
Viora Rebergen.

dinsdag 21 september 2010

third post: me

Well, a busy week has passed and finally I found some time to write my synopsis for the weekly post. 
Today third Tuesday of September the queen announced the new government policies for the upcoming year. Holland is presently in a recession similar to all other European countries therefore it has to retrench in its spending. Nevertheless I hardly take hold of  any symptoms of a recession. 

My parents still got their job so as I, I even tough received a salary raise. I work for a hospitality and catering company, Maison van den Boer, and business is going to a certain extent quite well. They hire new people every month and our sales department is more than ever full of activity to handle the new requests.

So next week a new post,

Hope you will read them again!


dinsdag 14 september 2010

Second post: We all live in a social media world

'Hi, can I speak to Laura please'?

I used to call my girlfriends using the house telephonenumber. Nowadays you just call each other by using your mobile phone. Almost everyone has one of them. Some people have a very new and up-to-date mobile phone with internet.
Beside contacting people by using your mobile phone there is a posibility using social networks like Twitter, Hyves, Facebook. Within a few seconds you can contact anyone who has one of the things I mentioned before.
You can also see what your friends are up to, are they doing things or can you give them a call to do some fun stuff? Even today I find it very weird to get to know everything about everyone if I wanted to. There are good things and bad things about the whole "social networking society". Nowadays social networking and calling by using your mobile phone is part of everyone and everything in the daily life!

dinsdag 7 september 2010

First weblog!

Before I start writing this weblog I will introduce myself, I am Viora Rebergen a 19-year-old girl who lives in Utrecht. My hobbies are my horse and going out with my friends.

In this blog I would like to tell something about my new study in Utrecht called Corporate Communication. My new study started last week. It was a very busy week and I learned a lot.
For example we have photoshopped, it was very funny.
My new class is very nice and we had a lot of fun. We still miss a number of people but I think they didn't come any more.
There is also a boy from Belgium in my class, he didn't have a home at the moment in Holland so he have to sleep at his friends in Amsterdam.
With my new class we maked a 'smoelenboek'. That's a book with a small interview of every student in class.

Last year I studied Communication Management. I did not pass this study in year one and I also found out the study does not fit to my requirements, it was too much theory for me. That's the reason why i'm now here at Coporate Communciation.

So let's hope I will pass my tests and get my P(ropedeuse) this year!

Speak to you next post! :)


Assignment 2a EMAIL


Subject: Question about Music Fantastic

Dear Mr Sandman,

2 weeks ago we met, I'm Merlin Finley a student from Liverpool. I'm very intrested in the music industry.You tell me that when I ever was in Londen, I should email you to come to your company. I will be in Londen next week. And I like to come to Music Fantastic. Do you think that is possible?

Thank you for taking the time to answer my question. I look forward to your response.

Kind Regards,

Marlin Finley


assignment 2B

1. Thank you for the invitation of the congress but i cannot attend.

2. I would like to have some information about the traineeship in your company Nike International.

3. Sorry but I was very busy this morning, so I send you the route description by email now.

4. I would like to confirm the meeting that will take place on monday the 3th of July at Londen.

5. I must tell you that I will not be able to finish the report in time because it's to much work to do that in just one day.


Assignment 2C

1. Sorry but today it's impossible to send you the information, i will send it tomorrow.

2. We would like to expect to receive a reply to this email before next week at the latest.

3.Sorry but we cannot send you the information you ask for.

4.Can you please pay this invoice immediately?

5.Sorry but I'm not present at the meeting of 15 june.

6.Can you please give your advice on this matter als soon as possible?

7.I would like to have your flight details as soon as possible.

8. Please let us know whether the date and time of the meeting suit you.


assignment 2d

To: all staff


Subject: Dress code

Dear Staff,

This is an email from the Communication Department of the Princess Hall Theatre.

I would like to start this email with a compliment to everybody. The Princess Hall Theatre is very happy with the staff and very proud of your work.

But we would like to introduce a dress code because some clients complains about some employees who are to casually dressed. For example Football shirts and shirts with foul language of sport shoes. Some rules and regulations will be made about what to wear and what not to wear. We would like to ask you to help create the dress code because we would like to give the introduction a positive experience for every employees. Our idea about the dress code:

- Shirts must have collars and sleeves

- Ladies shirts must have collars and sleeves

- All shirts must be tucked in

- Tailored shorts or long trousers

- Long socks or predominantly white short socks with socks

- Golf shoes

I would like to see the results of the poll within two weeks from now in my inbox.

I hope to hear from you soon.

Kind Regards,

Viora Rebergen