dinsdag 14 september 2010

Second post: We all live in a social media world

'Hi, can I speak to Laura please'?

I used to call my girlfriends using the house telephonenumber. Nowadays you just call each other by using your mobile phone. Almost everyone has one of them. Some people have a very new and up-to-date mobile phone with internet.
Beside contacting people by using your mobile phone there is a posibility using social networks like Twitter, Hyves, Facebook. Within a few seconds you can contact anyone who has one of the things I mentioned before.
You can also see what your friends are up to, are they doing things or can you give them a call to do some fun stuff? Even today I find it very weird to get to know everything about everyone if I wanted to. There are good things and bad things about the whole "social networking society". Nowadays social networking and calling by using your mobile phone is part of everyone and everything in the daily life!

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