woensdag 29 september 2010

assigment 11

Liqua Services Galactic Ltd
69 Milk street

3 February, 2010

Dreamtime Movies Universal Ltd
54 Oxford Road
Skagnes SK3 4RG

Dear Andrea Philips,

Translation Brochure

Thank you for your e-mail but I cannot send you the brochure and price list because I have not got the new brochures and price lists for 2010 yet.
Can you please tell me what the other 4 languages are? Than I can give you the prices for that.
I have checked your website, and I’m also editing websites. The services I offer are: renewing the website, keeping it up to date, a complete facelift. Are you interested by that? I enclose a price list for my editing services, so if you are interested you know what the prices are.
You can e-mail me and call me: viora.rebergen@student.hu.nl or 06-22281047.

I look forward to hearing form you.

Yours Faithfully

Viora Rebergen

Viora Rebergen Directing Manager

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