woensdag 23 maart 2011

blog 2

I live in a student’s room in Utrecht. I really like it in my studenthouse. In juni 2010 I moved to Utrecht. So when I started this course Corporate Communication I was already in this city. It was hard to find a nice room. But now I live together with Kiki Janssen in a studenthouse.
We have a beautiful house. I think its luxury to live as a student like this.
We have a big livingroom, a roofgarden, and a normal garden. In 5 minutes on the bike you are in the citycentre. The neighborhood we live in is very nice, its very quiet and friendly.
When you live in a student’s room you have a lot of freedom and that is the thing I like the most of living on my own. The disadvantages of living on my own is cleaning the house and cooking diner. My parents live in Den Dolder it is a small village near Utrecht, in Den Dolder there is nothing to do so that is the biggest reason for moving to Utrecht. It’s 15 minutes by train, so I can really easy travel to my parents if I want to.

dinsdag 15 maart 2011

blog 3

Where do I see myself in five years?

I realise that you cannot control the future, even if you would want to.

You know the song Que sera sera:

When I was just a little girl
I asked my mother what will I be
Will I be pretty will I be rich
Here's what she said to me

Que Sera Sera
Whatever will be will be
The future's not ours to see
Que Sera Sera
What will be will be

if i hear this song I realise that you cannot control the future, even if you would want to.
So this is just a guess:

About 5 years I will be gratuated with my course corporate communication.I am 25 at that time, and than i will go to work.
I hope I can work at a nice company in Amsterdam. I would like to live in a nice apartment in Amsterdam with my boyfriend Joost. First i want to have a carreer in the corporate communication, after that i will think about children. When I am 30 I want to get married. I would still be active riding my horse, and I take him to Amsterdam. Because he is a part of my life, and he can't stay in Utrecht without me.

zaterdag 12 februari 2011

assignment 1 my first half year at uni

My first half year at school went very fast, I am a student a the course Corporate Communication at the university of applied sciences in Utrecht.
I do like it very much. We learn many different subjects and that is very interesting. English is not my best subject so I shall do my best. I really like the subjects about being creative like web technology and usability. The teacher of web technology is a very cute guy, everybody likes him the most. Last year he was almost teacher of the year 2010.

We had to do things like building a website, it was hard to learn but the result was very nice.
The first half year wasn’t very hard for me. I just did my homework and I finish the exams with good results. I like my class, it’s a very friendly class and we can all work together very well. There were three students who don’t like the course, they stopped with it. I think there will be more students in my class who don’t finish this year.
We are now in block three and I hope this block will go just like the previous blocks, because then I will finish this year with my propaedeutic.
Tiptop - If you have a passion for the subject, you can weather the tough times.
And please don’t party too much every night because it is not good for you and you will see it in your results.

donderdag 13 januari 2011

listing assignment 3

Hello and welcome to “In the Spotlight”. Our special guest today is marketing
manager for Verbalised Solutions: Howard Downer.
Howard, thanks for joining us.
Thanks. Have you seen our new ad? It’s great !It cost us millions!
Howard, can we start on your company’s
Views on internal marketing and communications?
What? Emails?
Chat in the kitchen over a coffee? Drinks at the pub
after work?
No! How your company presents to its staff or to its
trade and distributers. Ohhh .. Power Point stuff ! Hmmm..
Amongst other things.
What other things?
Do you hold events?
What? The Christmas party?
That’s your only communication to these people?
No, no, we’ve got a staff training room. Oh and the
trade presenter and yeah,they’ve all got tvs at home so they can watch our new ad
there. Cost us millions, mate, millions !
How do, you, for example get your company to
Embrace a new brand or a
new company direction?
Ah, well, well, the leadership team they get
Briefed at weekend like at, like at the Blue Mountains.
That sounds nice.
Oh yeah !
And.. eh management management they get briefed over dinner at a very
Fancy 5 star restaurant in the city if you don’t mind!
Hm.. and what about the staff?
The what?
The staff! How do you fire them up?
Ah that’s where the Power Point comes in.
Yes ...the key words there were “fire up”.
Well the Power Point ?? are pretty colourful and we use loads
of clip up and any emails we send out they’ve got those little ehm
animated smilies on them you know the ieeee oooooieee
Do you think your staff are motivated?
Sorry! Ehm what was the question?
Do you think your staff are motivated?
Well they come into work every day!
How can you tell?
Well we see them coming in through the front door.
No, how can you tell they’re motivated ?
Hm.. noone says they’re not!
What about the people that sell your products?
Ahhh now they’re cool They’re all on commission.
Last of all Howard... how important is it to you that your people
Fully embrace the Company vison culture and attitude.
and that the company commited to ensuring their
enthusiasm is maintained?
Well, that’s an ... , isn’t it?
Howard Downer thanks for your time, back to you in the studio.
No, no, no, wait ,wait, wait, wait, wait !
Tell them about our new ad! It’s cost us millions, mate, millions!

Listening assignment B

1. What is remarkable about the comments and the bloggers of the Federal Reserve
It offers a lot of people. Anybody who wants to blog can email them and they can choose to give them their name for the blog.

2. The Federal Reserve Bank opened a blog to create “buzz”. What is meant by this,
in other words, what was the purpose of opening a blog?

With a blog they get more attention, because people do check this more.

3. What was the female recruiting manager’s blog mainly about?

about her challenges being a fulltime mom and being a fulltime manager of people who need her.

4. What was the purpose of her blog?

to recruit people to come to the fact that she is a fulltime mom and a fulltime manager.

5. Which words show that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs?

The word moderated shows that the FED does exercise a form of control on the blogs.

6. By what kind of people were the very first FED blogs written?
the management

7. Have the blogs changed the way that people who work for the FED think about
internal communications ?

Yes, the blogs changed the way that people think about it.

8. What is the latest development in the company as far as media are concerned?

the flatscreens TV's in the elevator banks. It’s pulling information from their intranet to the person.

9. Catherine Cummings says that this medium to communicate with staff is better
than an older medium. Which more old-fashioned way of communicating with staff
does she mention?

10. What is the next big thing in social media at the FED?
New intranet, designed for the FED.


Assignment 6 Starbucks

1. Roastingplant: a factory where they roast the coffee beans
2. HQ: headquarters
3. Accessible: only for those who have an aprovement
4. Spacious affair: a big place
5. expanding: to increase the size or in numbers
6: Nasdaq: is a stock market
7: beverage: a drink
8. concessionaires: The holder or operator of a concession
9. subsidiary : if you get money from someone
10. licence agreement: an agreement about a licence
11 prime: biggest, got the most visitors
12. retails stores: a place of business for retailing goods
13. forego: To precede, as in time or place


1. “Technically, Starbucks has been in Holland for some time already.”
Why only ‘technically’? In other words, why are the first three Starbucks
stores in the Netherlands not seen as ‘real’ Starbucks stores?

They are not accesible for everbody.

2. In what kind of locations have Starbucks stores been established since
Public places, like a trainstation and a airport

3. What two adjectives are used in the Starbucks Press Release of August
14, 2008, to stress the uniqueness of the Starbucks Amsterdam store?

4. Imagine you are the Head of Corporate Communications of Starbucks.
Think of a way in which you could use the Starbucks fan Hyves to your

You can advertise for free on this hyves page , and communicate with your fans easily and directly.

5. In the USA, many Starbucks stores have been closed. Three reasons are
mentioned for this. Which of these three reasons is illustrated by the
cartoon above?
Too many starbucks stores.

6. Starbucks executive Howard Schulz is going to ‘put a laser-like focus on
reinvigorating the Starbucks experience’. Please explain in your own words
what is meant by this.
He is going to make starbucks special again.

Listening assignment C

Video 1

Social network, like facebook and twitter, become more and more popular.
Nowadays, people spend too much time at these sites. It changes the human brain and the way of life. Young people are spending to much hours a day on social networks. It has a bad influence at their health, because it is changing the shape and function of their brain. These kids communicate less face-to-face and that’s dangerous for their future.
Parents should be aware that there is an issue about this subject. Also the school performance result below. But, some evidence show that it’s bad and some of the evidence show that it’s has no effect at all.

Video 2

Abi Signorelli, director of International Communications at Virgin Media speaks about using social media for Internal communication. At the 24th of June there will be a social media workshop. She will share experience at social network and hopes that she can help people. She will present new developments like a ‘Boo’, which is a phone-blog. It’s a bit like a post cast, where you can interview some people quickly.

Video 3
Toyota Europe uses twitter and blogs, because they are looking at different ways to engage with their customers. They were online on a webpage, but they felt that it was time for social media.
They can see which people are interested in their company. Social network is not very expensive and it is quick and direct.

assignment 4 MEMO


To: The management
From: Communication Department
Date: September 13, 2010
Re: Super Sports Day

In the meeting last Wednesday we talked about the Super Sports Day for all Dutch and American employees and their families. The Communication Department of Performance Systematix would like to organise a day like this because:

- For all the employees it’s good to sport.
- For the Dutch employees it’s good for their English.
- It gives the company a good name to organise a sport day.
- We can do different sports like tennis, football, hockey and also something in a swimming pool. And a lot of things to do for the children like draw.
- For all the employees it’s good to see the family of their own colleagues.

I hope this are enough arguments to convince you. I would like to receive the reply on this memo within 2 days.

Thank you.
Viora Rebergen
Communication Department

vrijdag 7 januari 2011

Bussines Meeting

Director of Human Resources.

I think the magazine is a great success, but we need to publish the magazine also in other languages.
That will help us to really reach all employees and it will improve the corporate communication in our company.

a fact is that not all of our employees in other countries can read the magazine because it is only published in English and Spanish.
They can't read the magazine and they can only look at the pictures.
We need to publish the magazine in several different languages.

I suggest that we publish the magazine in Spanish, English, Dutch,Chinese and German than more employees can read the magazine.

Maybe later we could also publish in the French and Arabic languages?